
The horse-human relationship

We work to strengthen the horse-human relationship.

We work to strengthen the horse-human relationship.

This relationship has expanded from war, food and work to include sport, leisure, production and therapy – but protecting equine welfare and maintaining our founder’s pursuit of fairness in all aspects of the horse-human relationship remains vital.

The horse-human relationship may mean different things to different people, but at its heart is the trust between two different beings working in synergy to achieve something they could not do alone.  

This relationship may not always be equal – there is no doubt that people often (but not always) hold the balance of power in the relationship.  

But we believe the relationship can be – and should be – fair.  Horses were domesticated by people, bred by people and trained by people, and we are ultimately responsible for fulfilling their needs. This means protecting them from negative experiences, providing them with positive experiences, and doing all we can to treat them with respect, compassion and understanding to ensure we give them a good life.

Thank you for helping us stamp out suffering

The end is in sight: Please help stop horses suffering on long journeys to slaughter today.

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