Welfare Wednesday Webinars: Sign up or catch up on previous events.

Prevent and protect: essential equine vaccinations  

Future Webinars

Prevent and protect: essential equine vaccinations  

Sign up to the webinar

Our hugely popular Welfare Wednesday Webinars bring you free, expert advice on a range of horse health, behaviour and management topics. The series of presentations draws together a raft of experts to share accessible, practical advice and guidance for everyone - from those just starting on a journey with their horse, to industry professionals.

Catch up on previous Welfare Wednesday Webinars


How to restrain horses appropriately

View webinar

How to support equine mental wellbeing

View webinar

How to know if your horse is happy

View webinar

Is there a particular topic you think would make a great Welfare Wednesday Webinars subject?
Do get in touch and let us know!

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+44 (0)1953 497 238

Not found the advice or answer you were looking for here? Then our Advice Line is available during office hours, or you can email us on education@worldhorsewelfare.org to let us know what topics you were looking for.

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