Costa Rica

Costa Rica

We helped establish Costa Rica Equine Welfare in 2014 and continue to build equine welfare networks within the indigenous communities.

We helped establish Costa Rica Equine Welfare in 2014 and continue to build equine welfare networks within the indigenous communities.

Why we work here?

Working equids in the region are used predominantly for the transportation of both people, goods and materials. Poor body condition, improper foot-care, poor horse handling procedures and mechanical injuries are evident amongst many working equids due to inadequate harness equipment, insufficient nutrition and non-existent equine service provision within the reserve. Owners are not aware of basic husbandry practises and lack essential skills required to meet the daily needs of their working equids, resulting in poor equid welfare.

What we are doing?

In 2014, an association in Costa Rica was developed, Costa Rica Equine Welfare (CREW). World Horse Welfare works with CREW to improve horses’ welfare in Costa Rica through education and training of horse owners and handlers at the different communities. We are currently working with different indigenous communities, banana plantation mules, mounted police department, and horse associations that use the horse for parades.

Meet a team member

Chris Frey has worked with CREW as our horse handling trainer for about 4 years now.  He was born in France but has lived in Latin America for about 15 years. He has worked with different horsemanship trainers and is very proactive and willing to collaborate. He contributes in horse welfare issues when it comes to human-horse interaction.

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