Research 1400 x500 small grant schemes

Small Grants Schemes

Our Small Grants Schemes help us support organisations to deliver discrete projects that have synergy with our work.

Our Small Grants Schemes help us support organisations to deliver discrete projects that have synergy with our work.

At World Horse Welfare, we always look to increase our understanding of the roles working equids (horses, donkeys and mules) play in livelihoods systems as well as extending our reach to even more equids around the world. Our Small Grant Scheme initiative helps World Horse Welfare to support organisations in delivering discrete projects that have a synergy with the objectives of our own work. 

We seek to provide small grants to small organisations that can demonstrate that they are undertaking work that will improve the welfare of working equids whilst considering the wider socioeconomic context in which they work. 

Who can apply? 

The scheme is open to non-profit civil society organisations working within the development sector who can demonstrate that equids are benefiting through their intervention. You do not need to be an animal welfare organisation but one who is working with people who directly impact the welfare of working equids. 

What type of project can this grant be used for? 

The grant can be used for a stand-alone initiative or as a discrete part of an on-going project. These projects might be research-based, linked to education or focusing on direct support to equids within a community setting. 

What is the application process? 

Find out more and apply for our Small Grants Schemes by downloading the application form. Please email the completed application form to 

When is the deadline? 

There are no deadlines for submission. Applications can be submitted throughout the year and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis on their own merit. 

What are the reporting requirements? 

Successful organisations will enter into a formal agreement with World Horse Welfare to undertake the project that has been described in the application and approved. They will be expected to produce a short report and be able to provide details of all expenditure made using the funds.

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