Did you know a poorly fitting or maintained saddle can cause injury and welfare problems for your horse? 

The Animal Health Trust in collaboration with World Horse Welfare compiled some simple advice for fitting, using and maintaining your saddle. 

Our research has highlighted key areas that should be carefully considered when fitting a new saddle, which will help to maintain and develop the horse’s top line and reduce the likelihood of back pain. 

The arms of a person wearing a green jumper checking the fit of a saddle to a bay horse

It is also important to remember to maintain your saddle properly and to make sure it fits both yourself and your horse throughout the year. 

Saddlery leaflet

Image of first page of saddle fit leaflet

The guide outlines:

  • Types of saddles available
  • Considerations when fitting saddles to horses
  • Recognising issues with saddle fit
  • Saddle use and maintenance

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