Welfare Wednesday Webinars return to our screens.
'Managing arthritic changes in ridden horses.' kicks off our 2023/24 webinar series

Effect of Cost-of-Living Crisis on horse keepers.
Results of survey into impact of Cost-of-Living Crisis revealed

Our response to welfare recommendations by the Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission
We warmly welcome the newly published vision for ensuring the future involvement of horses in sport.

Webinar: Equine behaviour and wellbeing through management
Wednesday 15th February will see equine behaviourists Justine Harrison and Rosa Verwijs return to discuss how the way we manage our horses can have huge implications on their physical and psychological health.

Webinar: Promoting positive equine wellbeing and behaviour through diet
The effect of food and diet on behaviour and well-being of our horses will be explored in the next webinar

A timely Welfare Wednesday Webinar topic to greet the New Year: Cutting costs, not care
The winter season of the popular Welfare Wednesday Webinars by World Horse Welfare continue in the New Year.

Webinar: Myth busting: Is my horse being a pain or in pain?
Welfare Wednesday Webinars return to our screens

Movement for Good Award for ground-breaking horse owner support project
We are delighted to be chosen for a £10,000 Movement for Good Award

When does use become abuse with horses? World-class gathering tackle complex question
Trying to identify and define where use of horses becomes abuse was explored at World Horse Welfare's 25th conference.

Charities combine strength for the benefit of horse welfare
Staff at Hall Farm and Penny Farm welcomed groups of new RSPCA recruits for training.