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Welfare charities ask for public support to prevent horse welfare catastrophe and recommend solutions to fix ‘broken system’

Welfare charities ask for public support to prevent horse welfare catastrophe and recommend solutions to fix ‘broken system’

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One donation to help horses like Chelsea can have twice the impact

One donation to help horses like Chelsea can have twice the impact

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Vets and charities pull together to help over 70 horses

Vets and charities pull together to help over 70 horses

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Man banned from keeping horses for ten years after allowing headcollar to become embedded in pony’s head

Man banned from keeping horses for ten years after allowing headcollar to become embedded in pony’s head

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Multi-agency operation takes place to rescue 43 horses in Wellingborough

Multi-agency operation takes place to rescue 43 horses in Wellingborough

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Reporting of animal welfare prosecution highlights major gap in the law

Reporting of animal welfare prosecution highlights major gap in the law

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Rehomed horses steal the hearts of celebrity judges to win in national competition

Rehomed horses steal the hearts of celebrity judges to win in national competition

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Buttercup was just skin and bone but now she’s a showing champion ready to find a home

Buttercup was just skin and bone but now she’s a showing champion ready to find a home

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Will you email your MP to support increased animal cruelty sentences?

Will you email your MP to support increased animal cruelty sentences?

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Elf’s journey from nervous neglected young foal to calming friend

Elf’s journey from nervous neglected young foal to calming friend

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